
If you like 5th Wave – 10 Tales of Alien Invasion

If you like 5th Wave - Ten Tales of Alien Invasion for Teens. Young adult book recommendations from Come Hither Books

As 5th Wave hits theaters, it’s the perfect time to stay up late with an action-packed story of alien invasion and conspiracy. Each of these young adult stories features aliens on Earth. Whether they are friend or foe, strangers or the boy next door, you can’t miss with one of these great science fiction stories.

If you like 5th Wave, try one of these extraterrestrial tales today.

Ten Tales of Alien Invasion for Teens:

1. We Are the Ants | Shaun David Hutchinson
2. Illuminae | Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
3. In the After | Demitria Lunetta
4. Ender’s Game | Orson Scott Card
5. The Knife of Never Letting Go | Patrick Ness
6. Shade’s Children | Garth Nix
7. Midnight City | J. Barton Mitchell
8. Rush | Eve Silver
9. Assault | Brian Falkner
10. I Am Number Four | Pittacus Lore

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. This week’s topic is a freebie topic.

11 thoughts on “If you like 5th Wave – 10 Tales of Alien Invasion

    • I haven’t, and probably won’t finish the series. (That’s why it’s last on the list, but I needed 10. lol) But with the movie out this week, I thought aliens would be a fun topic to round up.

      I was really into scifi in college, then switched to fantasy for years. But recently I started to burn out on fantasy, especially urban fantasy and all the grimdark stuff. I picked up a lot of scifi to take its place, and I’ve really been enjoying it.

      The balance between the two genres keeps shifting, but they’re always there for me in some form or another. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Goodness yes. They get popular enough to support more stories, enjoy a heyday, get glutted with cliches and trend jumpers, and fall off dramatically when the quality falls. But nothing ever goes away completely, so there are always a few writers plugging away because it’s where their passion lies, ready to be discovered when the time is right for a resurgence. It’s fascinating to watch the trends shift over time.


    • I give up on your Captcha working from my mobile device, so here’s my response to your TTT, which I loved:

      In a good way:
      The Magicians by Lev Grossman – The promos talk about it being a grown up Harry Potter, but none of them mention the huge influence of Narnia, which is what made me love Magicians.

      In a bad way:
      Confusion of Princes by Garth Nix
      Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood
      I loved the Abhorsen and MaddAdam series (respectively) so I assumed I’d love other things they wrote. I did not. I hated both of these books.


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